CIO message
Posted on December 19, 2019 by Bo Wandschneider
The end of year is always a good time to reflect and celebrate all of our accomplishments over the last 12 months. Working in higher education gives us this wonderful break, where almost all of our community takes time to spend with family and friends and our inboxes go into hibernation. I am always stunned by how quickly the flow completely stops, and then how quickly it starts again in January.
We have had an amazing year in ITS with so many significant projects pushing successful digital transformation at the University of Toronto. We rolled out the IT@UofT strategic plan last spring and the response has been very positive. I recently saw the plan referenced in a report to the academic board, and I have seen the faculties talk about aligning their work with it. IT@UofT is about driving collaboration and partnerships, and it takes a deliberate effort to make that happen.
Kudos to each and every one of you across the tri-campus community who have reached out and built the collaboration and partnerships – it is being noticed.
In closing, I would like to wish you all a happy and restful holiday season with family and friends. I’m looking forward to continued collaboration across the tri-campus community and moving IT@UofT forward with you in 2020.
All the best,