Partnership in practice: CanSSOC and UnITe 2019

Posted on April 15, 2019 by

Last week, April 8, marked a significant milestone in an important initiative – the Canadian Shared Security Operations Centre (CanSSOC). I am happy to announce that the CanSSOC website is now available. I encourage you to check out this informative communication resource that covers CanSSOC’s objectives, deliverables and benefits.

CanSSOC (a proof of concept) was developed to investigate the frequency and complexity of cyber security threats facing higher education institutions.

This is truly a shared investment and collaboration between six partner universities (University of Alberta, University of British Columbia, McGill University, McMaster University, Ryerson University and University of Toronto). We are also working closely with our NREN partners, CANARIE, BCNET, CYBERA, ORION and RISQ. Together, we are making online safety and security a top priority at higher education institutions across the country.

A shared security operations centre will yield benefits such as rapid response time, increased staff retention and enhanced security.

The estimated completion date for the CanSSOC project is January 2020. I encourage you to check the website often for new information and subscribe to receive project updates.

The UnITe 2019 Conference is only few weeks away – May 1-3 at University of Toronto’s beautiful and historic St. George campus. There is still time to register, the deadline in April 24. Sign up today!

Don’t miss your chance to meet with IT colleagues from across the province, catch our keynote speakers – Canadian icon, Douglas Coupland and health care leader, Dr. Kamran Khan. Read more about our featured speakers.

Thank you for your participation and support of both of these ground-breaking initiatives. See you in May!
